
Generative Code Intelligence Workshop

Date Icon 25-26th October 2025 (TBA)
Location Icon Bologna, Italy

In conjunction with 28th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence - ECAI 2025

Call for Papers

Call for Papers

This workshop aims to offer a shared venue for researchers and practitioners involved in the design, development, and application of generative AI technologies, such as large language models (LLMs), to engage with experts in software engineering, security and verification.

Reasons behind the idea of this workshop arise from the widespread adoption of those cutting-edge AI technologies in the creation of code, which is prevalent in both academic research and industrial settings. As the utilization of these powerful tools continues to grow, there is an increasing necessity to ensure that the code they generate is secure and safe, ideally free from vulnerabilities.

However, controlling AI code generation is challenging because modern, often commercially-used, models operate as black boxes and frequently lack awareness of their own inaccuracies. As a consequence, AI generated code could introduce serious weaknesses in a source code corpora, which could become potentially difficult to identify when the AI tools are used massively. Roads towards a solution to this issue are numerous and open research questions in various fields: static analysis, security, benchmarking, fine-tuning or custom training of AI models, software engineering, explainable AI, and so on.

By bringing together experts from these communities, the workshop aims to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and facilitate the sharing of knowledge, providing a common ground of discussion about possible solutions to this challenge.


We invite submissions on all aspects related to generative code intelligence, including but not limited to:

Workshop Program

The workshop is scheduled to be held on 25-26th October 2025 as part of the ECAI 2025 conference. The exact date will be announced closer to the event date.

The workshop program will include keynote presentations from leading researchers and oral presentations for all the accepted papers. The detailed program will be announced closer to the event date.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline

15th July 2025

Notification of Acceptance

8th September 2025

Camera-Ready Papers Due

15th September 2025

Workshop Date

25-26th October 2025 (TBA)

All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth) on the specified date.

Submission Guidelines

We invite submissions in the following two categories:

Regular Papers

Maximum 8 pages excluding references. These submissions should describe work that advances the current state of the art in the above or related areas.

Oral Presentations

Abstract only. These submissions could describe work in progress, tools, experiments, overviews, or improvements over existing work, in the above or related areas.

All submissions must be in English and follow the CEUR single column format. Papers should be submitted only through the workshop's submission system. All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process.

Paper will be submitted as PDF documents through EasyChair at this link:

The template for the submission can be found at this link

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee for quality and relevance.

We plan to include all regular papers in the Proceedings of the event, published at CEUR WS proceedings. CEUR WS proceedings are archival proceedings indexed by DBLP and Scopus.


Eleonora Iotti

Eleonora Iotti

University of Parma


Vincenzo Arceri

Vincenzo Arceri

University of Parma


Greta Dolcetti

Greta Dolcetti

Ca' Foscari University of Venice


Sergio Maffeis

Sergio Maffeis

Imperial College London

United Kingdom